Friday, May 27, 2011

Today is one week since I began Nuviva and I have lost 6 lbs. So happy about that! The No Carb, low fat low sugar started yesterday and its ok so far. I think all the supplements are making me feel ok eating this way. This phase should be 4 or 5 weeks. Can't wait to see what I lose in that time!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

New Phase

So I had my appt today to get the next phase of the plan. I was weighed again and lost 5lbs in 5 days. I have 2 more days to complete my detox phase then on to the ketogenic starting Fri. I started the vitamin B12, B6 and amino acid injections today. Hoping for a great boost in energy. He was impressed with my working out and told me not to over do it. So since I am sore today. He asked me to not do the 30 day shred and just walk. He only wants me to do the 30 day shred 3 times a week. Really all the diet is looking for is low impact cardio. Since the calories and carbs are down he doesn't want me to push it to hard.
This next phase is really low carb and also watching the fat intake too. So still not butter or mayo! But this is where the weight should really start to fall off. I sure hope so.
I have 4 supplements that I have to remember to take with my meals. I have a hard time remembering one so I need to find a good system to get them all.
I have been off of work since Fri so I am a little nervous about how I will do when I go back. I have been so good at home keeping track. He assures me that it should be even easier at work since you tend to be busier at work. He must not have 2 small children. Work is a breeze compared to home.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

30 Day Shred

Today I started Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred. I had a really hard time making it through the whole routine but I did it! I am going to stick with it every day and hope each day gets easier and easier. I think I may have a hard time walking tomorrow though. I am dedicated to this and I am hoping I see big results.

The Journey Begins.

I have decided to start this blog to help keep me accountable. I figure if I put something out there everyday then I have to be accountable for my actions and goals. This is a weight loss blog and a journey to get my old self back.
During an intense 2 years of school and getting pregnant with my first son, I started to gain the weight. Within 3 months of graduating and becoming a Respiratory Therapist, I had bought a house, a new car and had a baby. With so much going on, I forgot to take care of myself. I managed to gain 50 lbs with only 25 of that coming from the actual pregnancy. I did weight watchers and was able to lose 30lbs. Then I got pregnant with my beautiful daughter. Of course the weight came back. I have had a really hard time getting started with the weight loss this time.

I am finding myself not wanting to go anywhere because I have no clothes to wear. Nothing fits me and I don't want to buy a bigger size and lets face it, my daughter is now 10 months old so maternity clothes are not longer an option. I want to take my son to swimming lessons but do not want to put on a swim suit in front of people. I mean I live in FL and never wear shorts! I love pictures and hate ones of myself now. Something has to change. I need to get back to my thin, healthy happy self and get rid of this frumpy, chunky miserable one!

Some great ladies at work started a program called Nuviva. It is a medical weight loss program over seen by a Dr. Despite the expense and with the encouragement of of my amazing and supportive husband, I joined too. This blog is my journey through this program. My goal is to be 50lbs lighter by September. I know I can do it!

I started it Friday May 20th. Today is Day 5 and I am feeling really good. The diet has been much easier then I thought so far. This first week has been a detox diet consisting of protein, fruit and very low sugar. I have been pushing the kids around the block for 30 min. Rylan weighing 34lbs Elizabeth close to 20 plus the 20 lb stroller makes for a good work out. I am down 4 lbs so far as of yesterday. Looking forward to keep seeing those numbers fall!

Thanks for taking this journey with me. Please feel free to post, I need all the encouragement I can get.