Thursday, June 23, 2011


Today I start the HCG phase. I gave myself the first HCG shot. I was so nervous but it wasn't so bad. One shot every day for 6 days then one day off. I now have to count calories which I have not had to do. It will be a little more work to keep up but thanks to the great apps on smartphone, it won't be to bad. I can now eat whatever I want. However its only 200 cal per meal so I really can't eat whatever I want. :) Now I really need to start doing some menu planning.
I weighed into day and had a great week. I am now down a total of 17lbs in 5 weeks!! I am in a size down very comfortably from where I was. I think in a few more weeks these will be baggy too. This phase is really supposed to take of the inches fast!
I am really starting to feel good and get a little confidence back in myself. I am really tired but I know that is due to my crazy schedule. Looking forward to more loss and different food!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

week 4

Today I weighed in and was measured. I lost 2.2 lbs according to their scale, mine isn't showing that. But I did great in losing inches. I lost 1.5in around my bicep and thigh and 4in off of my waist and 4in off of my hips! This is my last week on phase 2 and then I start the HCG. She said I should still lose 2-3lbs a week with that but the inches should really start to fall off. I am right on track though and doing well and happy with my results so far.

My pants are to big now. I can pull them off without unbuttoning them. I hate to buy more though since I will be losing even more! I have no in between sizes though. Just ones before Rylan and the sizes after pregnancy. I think its about a 2 size difference.

I have only been getting in about 2 work outs a week. Monday is my last day of class and I am really hoping to kick it into gear and try to get at least 4 work outs in a week. I can't wait to lose this baby belly!!!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


Almost finished with week 3 and it is just now starting to get to me. I have been doing so well and I am not getting burned out! I know I have to keep going and I have not even had a small temptation to cheat. I have even skipped out on going to lunch with someone because I wasn't sure what I could have there. But it is starting to get the best of me. I just want for once a quick easy meal. I am so tired of cooking three meals a day! I just want to make a turkey sandwich and be done with it! I just want to throw a bagel in the toaster and have breakfast! I don't want to make an egg every day and a chicken breast and veggies for lunch and dinner. I just want something fast and easy that I can grab and go! Its not even the eating the food that is bothering me its the cooking and cleaning so much. I am tired of all the work involved! I just want to pop something in the microwave and have lunch in 5 mins and only one plate to wash, not 30 mins of cooking and then 10 mins of cleaning! Ugh why does eating right have to be so much work!!! I would love to be a millionaire, then I could have someone do all my cooking and cleaning. Oh what a dream!!

On a good night I did the 30 day Shred again yesterday. It was much easier then before and I am not as sore. They asked me to only do it a few times a week as they really only want me walking but it is so freaking hot outside and I don't mind the extra workout. Especially if it works! I weigh in tomorrow. So far it looks like I may have lost 1 lbs last week. I would love more then that but a pound lost is better then a pound gained. I will update tomorrow on the total lost. Oh and I get a cheat meal next week. I can't wait. I need it so bad!!! Carrabba's here I come!!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Plugging along

So just finished week 2 and I am feeling pretty good. Had my weigh in this morning and I am down another 4 lbs from my last weigh in so my total loss is about 9lbs in 2 weeks. I am quite happy about that. The whole point of this phase is to get your body into Ketosis. Well I am there and my breath is showing it. She said today probably about 2 more weeks of this which makes me feel a little better because I though it was going to be 4-5 weeks. I have not been great about working out because my schedule is so crazy right now with work, kids and my nigh classes. Only a couple more weeks and the class will be over and will lighten my load just a bit.
I have to admit, I am quite tired of vegetables! Two cups of them twice a day is just to much for me. But its working so I will keeping choking them down.