Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Bye Bye Nuviva

I have completed Nuviva!! In 14 weeks I have lost almost 43lbs, 25 inches and almost 4 sizes. I say almost because I can get my size 8's on and buttoned but the belly is a little to tight for my liking. Hopefully in a few weeks I can be them comfortably. I was able to lose 8.5in off of my waist and 6.5 off my hips. I am so happy I decided to do this and happy for my dear sweet hubby's support. I feel so much better about myself! I still have about 20lbs that I would like to lose. But I am so grateful for Nuviva and their amazing plan to get me on the right track.

I am now starting my workouts. I am starting out with Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred. I am on day 4 today and it is getting a little easier. My body is still sore but I am pushing through the pain. Now if I can keep my calves from cramping "jumping rope" and be able to do all of the bicycle crunches I will be well on my way. I am just hoping I can stick with it when I am working. I already have such little time for sleep but this is so important to me I just have to fit it in. I also need to get back to strict counting my diet. I just needed a break for a bit. I have been watching my portions but no strict counting. Time to get back to it if I want this last 20lbs to go. Thank you to everyone that has been so supportive of me during this journey. Your encouragement and kind words are really helped and meant so much.

Now for the Before and after Pictures.
They are terrible pictures of me but you can really see the difference.


  1. You look Great!!! Have fun with Jillian her workouts have always made me feel good because they are short on length but not on the butt kicking!!
