Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Week 10

Today is 10 weeks since I began this journey. Went for my weigh in today and after only losing 1.4lbs last week, I did much better this week with a loss of over 4lbs. This brings me to an official weightloss total of 30lbs!!!
I was so excited to see that number! The told me I am have an average loss of 3lbs a week. They look for a loss of 1-3lbs a week. They told me I am above average in my loss especially for women. I am so excited to hear this. Makes me realize that I should be able to reach my goal. I have about 8 weeks left. I hope I can keep up at this pace and maybe exceed my goal. 20lbs to go!
I decided to see if I could fit into the next size down that I had in my closet. I did and got them buttoned! They were a little tight but they were on. That is 3 sizes from where I began just 10 weeks ago. I am doing it and feeling really good! Now if only the camera can start being a little kinder to me.

1 comment:

  1. thanks for the comment shannon!! good to hear from you :)

    this is a pretty neat little blog you've got going!

    you go girl!
