Friday, July 1, 2011


I just completed week six and my first week on HCG. I have now lost 20lbs! Almost half way to my goal weight! I questioned yesterday if they thought I would reach my goal by the end of this and he is confident that I can. I sure hope so! The diet is going well. I never thought I could be satisfied eating a max of 200 calories per meal and 600 per day. But I am. Most days I am not even hitting 600. I am averaging about 580 calories. I know there will be rough days but I am glad that so far its been ok.
I have hit a snag with the HCG shots. I was doing well with giving them to myself and now my mind is getting the best of me and I am having a hard time. They do not hurt one bit so it is just foolishness. Thank you to my friend Tina for giving me my shot yesterday. I thought maybe If I had someone else do it to reaffirm how and that it doesn't hurt that I would be ok. Well today I still had a tough time. I did finally stick myself and as with every other time, I hardly felt it. I hope this mental block goes away soon. I will be a long 10 weeks if I can't get over it!
I am feeling great and energy level has not changed at all despite not eating many calories.
I get a cheat meal tonight and will be enjoying some delish sushi and I can't wait!!

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